RWWA Seeking Re-Trainers for Off the Track WA Program

Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) has today released a tender for the provision of re-trainers to assist its Off the Track WA Retraining Program, supporting with the assessment, education and training of retired racehorses.

The Off the Track WA Retraining Program forms part of RWWA’s WA Racehorse Welfare Plan to further safeguard the wellbeing of thoroughbreds and standardbreds in the State.

The initial pilot program will recruit up to eight “Official Re-trainers”, who can meet the following scope of service:

  • The assessment, education and training of each horse supplied by RWWA, to a level where they can be sold, within the mutually agreed timeframe;
  • Provision of all daily care allocated, including feed, exercise, agistment and any other care needs;
  • Assistance with the sale process for all horses supplied for retraining by RWWA, including liaising and organising for potential buyers to view and trial the horse;
  • Provide a suitable standard of care for horses supplied by RWWA whilst in their care for retraining.

Further information and details on the full Scope of Services, is available via the Tenders WA website.

The program will be open to both thoroughbred and standardbred horses, who have been bred for the purpose of racing. Horses will be accepted into the program through a detailed application process, including veterinary checks and various acceptance criteria.

Horses accepted into the program will transition through RWWA’s Off the Track WA Estate in North Dandalup, where they will undergo a pre-assessment, prior being allocated to an Official Re-trainer.

Anticipated time for the retraining and sale of horses is ten weeks, and will be supported by Off the Track WA marketing initiatives. Once the program reaches its capacity, a waitlist will be maintained, with horses accepted into the Estate to prepare for retraining as determined by RWWA.

In March 2020, RWWA released a tender for a re-trainer to operate from the Estate, which was withdrawn during the COVID-19 pandemic. This tender has been postponed indefinitely, with the Off the Track WA Retraining Program, which utilises several re-trainers taking precedence.

A dedicated live-in facility manager was appointed in March 2020, who is responsible for the day-to-day running and functions of the Estate.

For further information regarding RWWA’s WA Racehorse Welfare Plan, click here.

Tender Submission

Tender submissions must be lodged electronically via the Tenders WA website here.

For any questions regarding the Tender please contact RWWA’s Procurement Coordinator Nikkita Jewell on 08 9445 5551 or
