Regional Clinic Dates

OTTWA Regionally Sponsored Clinics

The following clinics have been sponsored by Off the Track WA and will receive funding and subsidized entry costs for all retired racehorses in attendance.

Based in regional WA? Don’t worry, there are plenty of clinics on offer for you to choose from.

Attended a regionally sponsored clinic? Provide your feedback here!

Rider’s Feedback


Geraldton Combined Equestrian Club

The following clinic dates are to be hosted by Geraldton Combined Equestrian Club in 2024. Find more information here:

11/10/2024 – GCEC Dressage Clinic with Nadine Merewether

The dressage/flatwork clinic hosted by Geraldton Combined Equestrian Club welcomes attendees of all levels. EA approved coach Nadine Merewether enjoys seeing how far she can motivate riders to be the best they can be as riders. Nadine provides encouraging guidance to all level of riders/horses. Nadine has been coming up to the Midwest region for over 25 years.

01/11/2024 – GCEC Dressage Clinic with Nadine Merewether

The dressage/flatwork clinic hosted by Geraldton Combined Equestrian Club welcomes attendees of all levels. EA approved coach Nadine Merewether enjoys seeing how far she can motivate riders to be the best they can be as riders. Nadine provides encouraging guidance to all level of riders/horses. Nadine has been coming up to the Midwest region for over 25 years.