Brigadoon CCN – Day One
28 May 2022Time:
State Equestrian Centre, 303 Cathedral Avenue Brigadoon WA 6069Brigadoon CCN is a long standing event on the WA eventing calendar run by the Eventing WA Promotions committee. This event is one of two events run by this committee, run at the State Equestrian Centre with classes from 65cm all the way through to 3 star level. The Brigadoon CCN event provides not only an important qualifier for our star level riders, but the lower levels are also a great confidence builder for our lower level horses & riders. In the last 12 months the committee has invested a significant amount of money (over $30,000) to rebuild the water jump and build new cross country jumps for all levels. This has not only improved what the event can offer on the cross country, but as Brigadoon is one of the only cross country schooling venues in the state, these upgrades have provided many new and much needed schooling fences for all riders to benefit from, not just those attending the event. Entries will be available online, closer to the date of the event and the appropriate announcements will be made on our social media page.